If you feel like the pressure curve you’ve been using is fine for some brushes but it doesn’t work with other brushes – instead of needing to change the pressure curve every time you change your brush… you can actually set the pressure curve on individual brushes.
1. Open Brushes (1st icon, top right) and tap the brush you want to edit to open the settings.
2. Tap Apple Pencil along the left hand menu.
3. Tap the % or Max grey round rectangle next to Size (the top option). A pop-up will open so you can type the percentage instead of using the slider.
4. Next to the blue highlighted Numeric rectangle, there is a Pressure option. Tap this to open the curve.
5. You can edit the pressure curve like shown in the previous Pressure Curve lesson but it will only apply to this particular brush. Tap Done in the top right corner to save (orange button).
Hope this helps! 🙂